Industry News

  • Common Issues in Thin-Wall Injection Molding

    Thin-wall injection molded parts offer advantages such as lightweight, high strength, and energy efficiency, making them widely used in electronics, automotive, and other industries. However, due to their thin wall thickness, they pose unique challenges in the injection molding process.

  • Structure and Basic Principles of Three-Plate Injection Molds

    Three-plate injection molds are a common type of injection mold. Compared to two-plate molds, they include an additional plate, the "runner plate" or "center plate," which allows for more complex gating system layouts and higher automation efficiency in production.

  • Key Features of Medical Injection Molding Tools

    Medical injection molding tools are an indispensable part of the production process for medical devices, requiring exceptionally high standards in design and manufacturing.

  • How to Optimize Temperature Distribution in PPS Injection Molding

    PPS (Polyphenylene Sulfide) is a high-performance engineering plastic known for its excellent heat and chemical resistance. However, due to its high melting point, temperature control is critical during the injection molding.

  • Causes of Runner Adhesion in Injection Molding

    Runner adhesion is a common issue in injection molding that can negatively impact production efficiency and product quality.

  • Mold Protection Methods in Injection Molding

    Protecting molds during injection molding not only extends their lifespan but also enhances production efficiency and product quality.

  • The Impact of Residual Stress on Injection Molded Products

    Residual stress in injection molded parts refers to internal stresses that remain within the product after the molding process. These stresses are caused by non-uniform shrinkage, molecular orientation, and other factors that occur during the filling of the mold and subsequent cooling and solidification of the molten plastic.

  • Technological innovation and future trends of injection molds in the medical field

    The production of medical devices places stringent requirements on the precision, complexity, and materials of injection molds. As medical technology advances and the demand for personalized healthcare grows, medical injection molds are evolving to meet increasingly complex manufacturing needs.

  • What Temperature Should Plastics Reach?

    In injection molding, controlling the plastic temperature is a crucial factor. The required processing temperature varies depending on the type of plastic.

  • Which industries rely heavily on PPS materials?

    PPS (Polyphenylene Sulfide) is widely applied in various industries due to its excellent heat resistance, chemical resistance, dimensional stability, and electrical insulation properties.

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