How to solve the shrinkage issue of TPE products?
The shrinkage of the plastic products mainly refers to the surface shrinkage of the product during the cooling process, sometime you will experience deep dents on the product surface.
19-07-2022 -
What are the basic methods to solve the shrinkage defect of flat plastic parts?
The deformation of big flat products has always been one of the problems in the injection molding industry.
21-12-2021 -
How to solve the shrinkage problem of thick-walled plastic parts?
The shrinkage of plastic products is caused by insufficient feeding of melted plastic when the thicker parts of the product are cooling.
07-12-2021 -
The introduction of the shrinkage and tolerance
The shrinkage of plastics signifies the volume contraction of polymers during the cooling step of the processing of polymers.